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Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer's Almost Come and Gone-
But Wait there are Exciting Times in the Fall too!
"And Then it Started Raining Flowers..." 
Sunday, Oct.6 2013 Fall Afternoon Art Soirée' Home studio event

Well, I have had a fairly busy Summer, in the studio always looking to unleash that next big thing.

 I also had a booth at the Easton Art Affair. Nice show but it was soo hot! Grueling actually. The temperature was a humid 85-90 degrees all three days. The first day, I sold some prints but didn't do as well as I thought I could have.  I really try not to take these things personal, however, I honestly did have high hopes for the show. As I trudged into the second day, I had a conversation with another vendor, a jewelry maker who had driven in form New York. She also was disappointed in her sales and she had talked to several other booth vendors who had experienced the same thing. People were just not buying, the heat was too oppressive. I try to look at these events/ projects as key learning' opportunities.  I think I may be better served concentrating on the galleries. With that I am always trying to improve and produce gallery quality work.

This summer I also started working on a new  mixed media series which has been really fun and exciting. I want to produce about 12-15 works. In the meantime I have just begin contacting galleries.  I want to make a big statement and I am always reaching for excellence; everyone is unique and you can't please everyone . Beauty truly is in the eyes of the beholder and I am learning from one of my new (authors) heroes,  Brene Brown from her book  "The Gifts  of Imperfection" to try and not take things personally; I really am trying to live "a courageous and wholehearted life. "  I count my blessings, pray fervently, try and produce my best work and keep it moving!
This Summer has also been eye opening for me as far as other art related events, events that I didn't necessarily participate in but had a chance to visit, The Decorator Show Case, Bexley Home Tour, Columbus Art Fest etc. I like to keep abreast of what's hot in the art world. The main thing that I did see was a lot of colorful abstract work. After studying what I saw, I begin to have these really vibrant dreams of random colors-  chartreuse, fuchsia, oranges , and turquoise.  As I continue the journey of pursuing art full time, I have responsibility to listen to these inner promptings and to be true to myself but also show good business savvy and do what will sell. Remember for the last 20 years I have worked in corporate sales & marketing, I refuse to be a starving artist, therefore I am constantly looking for the next big thing. I decided It may be time for me try my hand at abstract art.  You would think that creating an abstract is easy. Just throw some colors on a canvas but It really is not that easy especially when you are trying to paint with intention like I am. First, I did some research, bought several books and went to the Gallery Hop, then I started experimenting with color.  Abstracts have been very liberating taking me outside my box. I struggled at first but now I am really getting into it.
"A Heart Restored"
The 411 on the "614"
Also I got some really great news today. I have been profiled in the hot new September issue of "614 Magazine." God is soooo Good!! please check out the article and please pick up the magazine, it is a very upscale "free" publication, featuring articles on food, art, music and local interest stories. This month's cover features our own Ohio State Buckeyes; Go BUCKS!

Please join me on Sunday October 6, 2013  at my home gallery as I unveil my new series of abstracts most are larger for over the couch or on a long wall 24 x 36 and are very affordable at about $200 to $350. These works are very colorful organic and vibrant, I think you will enjoy them. At the home gallery event we'll have a little wine,  cheese & fellowship. Perhaps you will see something you'd  like to purchase or we can talk about doing something special and affordable just for you. For more details on the event, email me at lisablindfaith@gmail.com

In the mean time, wishing you a wonderful rest of the summer. Talk to you soon!


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